a book made by photographers

The what, how, who and why.

selected views is a publication platform for contemporary photography. The photographers
represented here work for renowned advertising agencies, graphic studios, corporations and
editorial departments in Germany and abroad. Additionally, they work on their own personal
projects. selected views gives them the opportunity to publish exceptional photographic work
in book form – without commercial constraints, and on a high esthetic plane.

selected views was established in 1999 as the initiative of several photographers who are
friendly with each other. From the idea of presenting work from their own portfolios together
in a single form, which is otherwise hardly possible, there evolved the first edition of
selected views: a book of photo sequences or series, without thematic or other restrictions.

selected views aspires to surprise, stimulate, enthuse and arouse curiosity. For this reason, the
standard of published works is exceptionally high. Independence, quality and topicality are the
three key criteria in selecting works to appear.

For each issue, selected views appoints an editorial board consisting of persons in the
fields of advertising, journalism, media, academics and art. In something like a blindfold test
– without names of the individual photographers – the editorial board critically and impartially
judges works submitted and determines which of them are to be published. Once this shortlist
has been compiled, the board establishes with each photographer which of the works
submitted will appear in the current issue of selected views.